Reading through Acts I have encountered some interesting, and little known events. I just read something that I thought was very noble. Let me give you some background on it though (this is very interesting to me). So, Paul, etc is staying at a guy named Phillip's house. He has four unmarried daughters (how many did he start out with?), the cool thing is; they prophesied. Prophet Agabus moseys on down from Jerusalem, comes to Paul, takes his belt and proceeds to tie his own hands and feet with it as he delivers the prophecy that the Jerusalem Jews will bind him up and give him over to the Gentiles. The people are all like "No, Paul, you can NOT go - you just heard the prophecy yourself!" In Acts 21:13 Paul replies;
"What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart like this? For I hold myself in readiness not only to be arrested and bound and imprisoned at Jerusalem, but also [even] to die for the name of the Lord Jesus."
Finally the people (once they see his determination) agree that the will of the Lord should be done.
There have been times (literally and figuratively) when I have been one of the people, begging another not to go, or others have pleaded that I stay. It's hard to surrender to the Lord's will in both cases. We naturally want to hold on to people we love, but sometimes we must let them go so God's greater good can come into being. I certainly don't want to be the girl who broke someone's heart with her pleas to stay so much that they would not go do God's will. And likewise, I want to be able to say, as Paul, that I am ready to be arrested, bound, imprisoned, even ready to die for the name of my Lord Jesus if need be. It's a scary thought, but one I want to learn to embrace; especially if I plan on being on the foreign mission field someday...
Stand unshakable in service for Christ!
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