I finished up Acts today- one of the most engaging, action packed books I have read in a while. After finishing this I have to say that Paul probably had the best job EVER - why don't we have college degrees in "Paul", or Pauline ministry or something? I guess it's something that can't be just handed to you, it's a deep desire to CHASE after God, better start running now. The very last line of Acts stuck out to me;
Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, Paul is pretty much crazily in love with God, either that or plain crazy. Back in Acts 21 the Jews are like "Men of Israel, help us! This is the man who teaches everyone everywhere against our people and our law and this place. And besides he brought Greeks into the temple area and defiled this holy place." A riot starts, everyone is trying to KILL Paul. A commander comes to take him away and he asks if he can speak to the people. He gives his testimony and says "And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name." He gets carted all around, to the Sanhedrin, before a governor, a King, and Caesar in Rome, he preaches everywhere, and people believe! Everywhere he goes people show them unusual kindness, entertain them hospitably, and the like - God was watching out for him. Paul prays for and heals people, many are actually asking to "hear what your views are". People everywhere are talking about the Way. How cool would it be to actually have someone come up and say, let's set up a day and you can come share your views, and then have a bunch of people listening morning till evening as you explain, declare, convince, and quote from the Bible. To me this sounds amazing - can you imagine watching God work in the hearts of people right in front of you. *Sigh* maybe some day God will grant me this longing of my heart...
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