Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mountains Peaks and Roadkill Armadillos

Went to Mount Magazine the other day - highest peak in all of Arkansas... I really like mountains -enough said! I got to kayak on Cove Lake - a mountain lake that is both pristine and not too chilly - at least not compared to Lake Superior. It was good to get some swimming in even if I was (am) a bit terrified about the poisonous snakes here in Arkansas. Water moccasins, rattlesnakes, and copperheads - one of which just bit a second grader and turned his leg black. Hmmm, I'll have to warn the youth about that!

Also, armadillos are allll over - dead on the side of the road; pretty exotic roadkill for a Michigan girl. Not so much to the natives here, and after almost hitting two vicious vultures tearing into a dead armadillo in the middle of the road they're a bit less exotic for me too!

Did I mention we went "Bronco-ing" on Sunday? We were having a cookout with some friends from church and her husband loaded us all up into his bronco (basically a super-tough jeep is the impression of it I got) - originally the plan was just to stand on it to grab a frisbee I accidentally threw on the roof - but we ended up going through creeks, blasting through a herd of cows and clambering up and down steep water banks -I can't believe one vehicle can do all of that!

Every day has been jam-packed with craziness... I'm about ready to go rollerblade or read... if I can even stay awake that long.


  1. Oh my! Jealous of your bronco-ing! And I think I saw a dead armadillo in Texas too!

  2. Sounds pretty neat except for the snakes!!
