Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Halt the Headlong Tumble

I looked in the mirror and saw darkness today;
covering both sides of my face

So I begged:
burn away the darkness I keep
let me leap with feet of faith
wholly into your sweet embrace
as you brush away the trail of tears -
an earthly journey of too many years

stop my pursuit of empty dreams,
foolish yearning for lovers
broken just like me
Why do I forget to see that
they're empty alone: like me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spiritual Formation

Some are unnerved by the term "spiritual formation", others fear it reduces grace, many are too lazy to discipline themselves for an unseen reward, a couple say there is no biblical support, even a few leaders question any spiritual formation beyond conversational prayer, mild scripture reading, and weekly church attendance. Yet even more are appalled by the weakness faith seems to have become, and are saddened by its' apparent powerlessness. Why? Common Christianity has become cost-less. Close your eyes and softly raise your hand, no one is looking around (to persecute you with their eyes or judgmental thoughts) life will be so much better once you invite Jesus into your heart. First of all, I'd like to see anyone fit a grown man into their 13 oz, fist-sized heart. Secondly, is following Jesus something to keep on the d-l? Fundamentalists, I'd like to qualm your spiritual formation fears, doubters, I'd like to show you what power and life lead by the Spirit of God can have.

1 Peter 1: 13- 2:3 (do you have this memorized? Then find your flesh-and-blood Bible off your bed or bookshelf and crack that thing open - READ it!)

First Peter talks about how we are to be morally alert and aware of the evil going on around us so we can stand against it. We don't rely on spiritual practices alone, or first and foremost, to do this- our hope is set fully and unchangeably on the grace that's in Jesus. BUT we are to live as children of obedience NOT to conform to evil desires which once governed us when we were still ignorant of the gospel requirements. We must learn how to abstain from conformity to the evil that rules this world and once ruled us. Holy in all of our conduct and manner of living we are to conduct ourselves with true reverence through our time of temporary earthly residence, realize our redemption from the useless way of living those before us lived, we weren't bought out of this with anything less than the absolutely precious blood of Christ. It is THROUGH Christ that we adhere to and rely on (which is belief)God. Obey the truth through the spirit – this is the way to purify our hearts so we can truly love our brothers and sisters in Christ- we must ardently love each other from a pure and motive-less heart. So we have to get rid ourselves of every trace of wickedness, depravity, all deceit, insincerity, hypocrisy, pretense, grudges, envy, jealousy, slander, all evil speaking. As if our sustenance depended on it we must eagerly desire the pure spiritual milk (SYMBOL?) this is what will nurture us and grow into our complete salvation, we should do these things because we have already tasted how good and kind our lord is.

Very rough paraphrase of the passage- but we can see that we need spiritual formation because God calls us to live holy lives, and that is opposite what the world calls us to. We want to live holy lives because that is what God desires- the one whom we yearn to obey for we know how wonderful he is. That's the principle for spiritual formation - sometime I'd like to get into how it affects us. Hopefully written from firsthand experience...

Chopped Thoughts

Do you believe in magic? I believe in something deeper, something much rarer. And I found it this weekend.

Though words are trivial attempts to describe the ineffable, I'll try once again;
(First of all, can I just say the moon is astounding - his smiling face is once more being obscured by the darkness that forces its power onto his countenance)

Never mind it all- the thought, the challenge, of describing all that happened is beyond me at the moment...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mortal Folly

It all started with that hastily written offer: "Transform what you will, only show me what I must cut away and change."

God... I'm afraid...

Why do you fear when you know perfect love casts out fear? I am perfect, I am love; I love perfectly. Would I ask you to do something for which I will not provide? Why do you doubt my love; why can't you trust me with your worries? I said I will give you every good thing- trust me in this Alyssa. Will you follow fear or faith? You cannot serve both.

It is foolishness - there is no money for this...

Does not your lack of wisdom give room to further illuminate mine? Where my will is, so is my way - follow me.

"In your presence all fear is gone; I am my beloveds and He is mine, I waste my life here at your feet"

Why sing the words if I'm not willing to let their truths transform me?

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I don't typically listen to screamo... but the lyrics can be oh-so-goood...

let the dead bury their own dead

will you still love me in famine
as when love began at the harvest
or would you gain the whole world
son, I love you at your darkest
but what good is the whole world
when I promise no tomorrow
I only promise your tomorrows
will never take you past my palm

love, what is love without trust
at my word would you bring your isaac

son, I loved you at your darkest

- As Cities Burn